“…If you want something done, ask a woman.”
- Margaret Thatcher -
Do You Feel Over-Stretched and Overwhelmed?
· Do you fall into bed weary, with an endless to-do list that never seems to be completed?
· Are you struggling with anxiety and perfectionism, expecting more of yourself than humanly possible?
· Now that your last child has left home, do you find yourself wondering what lies ahead after devoting yourself to parenting for the last decades?
· Are you going through a divorce and wondering how to heal from the heartbreak, unsure who you are after so many years of identifying as “Mrs…”?
· Or, are you in a toxic or unfulfilling relationship, trying to find the strength to make positive changes?
· Do you wish you knew how to stop being a perfectionist, adjust to change and feel empowered to embrace a satisfying life?
Wife, mother, friend, employee or employer, daughter, sister, volunteer, cook—you may find yourself struggling to fill these roles and more. Like so many women, perhaps you were raised to be a nurturer and giver, and now strive to be the epitome of generosity, warmth and love. Although you’re dedicated to doing it all—and doing it all right—at some point along the way, you may have lose sight of who you are. Perhaps a life transition has shocked you into the realization that you don’t know what you want. Or, maybe you are suffering burnout and exhaustion, but feel unable to slow down and take even a moment for yourself. Maybe you fear that, no matter how hard you try, you just aren’t doing enough.
Many Women Struggle With Perfectionism And Low Self-Worth
Society places so many demands on us as women. From family members, friends, media and more, so many of hear conflicting messages about what, who and how we should be. For many women, this can feel stressful and overwhelming, especially if it seems that no one understands or shares your experience. It is easy to lose your sense of self, which may lead to depressed mood, lack of energy and loss of interest in activities that brought you pleasure in the past. In addition, your physical health may suffer as you tend to the needs of others while denying your own. If any of this sounds familiar to you, you are far from alone.
Somewhere along the way, countless women internalize the idea that self-care is selfish. There is a good reason that flight attendants instruct passengers to “put your own oxygen mask on first!” If we don’t take care of ourselves, our emotional and physical wellbeing may suffer, and we may not have anything left to give to the people we care about most.
Thankfully, no matter what you’re struggling with, you can come to truly, deeply believe that you deserve better. And, with the help of a therapist who’s dedicate to women’s empowerment and wellbeing, you can learn tangible ways to build the life you want.
Women’s Counseling Can Help You Find Relief And Direction
In safe, supportive counseling sessions, you can find dedicated space to pause, deeply explore pressing challenges and create an actionable plan for transforming your life. As a therapist, I offer validation, understanding, acceptance and insight, all of which can help you feel empowered to address whatever issue you may be facing.
Throughout our work together, I aim to adapt my approach to fit your needs and goals. If you are struggling with heightened distress right now, I can help you develop practical coping skills to reduce overwhelm and restore balance, even in the most difficult moments. As you feel better equipped to work through challenging situations, we can begin to explore the underlying emotions at play.
We can also investigate how patterns from your family of origin might be impacting your view of yourself or the world. For example, if you struggle with guilt and shame, I can guide you to understand where those feelings come from and help you challenge the belief that you don’t deserve support, rest and care.
As you begin building self-esteem and developing greater self-compassion, I can also help you tune into your most authentic self. We can dedicate time to productive self-reflection so you can better understand your experiences and how they may have shaped your life so far. Then, you can identify your innermost hopes and values. As you gain clarity about what you really want, I can help you figure out how to live in alignment with those values and foster a deeper sense of fulfillment in your daily life.
I know how stressful and exhausting it can be to try to fill every role. During women’s therapy sessions, I will see you just as you are, without pressure or expectation. I know that you are enough, and you are worthy. I look forward to helping you believe it, too.
You may have questions or concerns about therapy for women…
I don’t have time for therapy.
If you already feel stressed and over-packed, it might feel like therapy is just another item on the never-ending to-do list. I get it. But, the more time you spend putting everyone else’s needs before your own, the more exhausted, overwhelmed and defeated you likely feel. No one can do everything, especially not when they feel as though they’re drowning.
Women’s therapy is valuable time that’s just for you. Here, you can refuel and recharge, giving yourself the break you need to be your best self when you walk out the doors. By spending a little time on self-care, you can handle the rest of your busy schedule with greater ease.
Everyone I know is overwhelmed. This is just the way life is. How could women’s counseling help?
When every day seems just as stressful as the last, it can be difficult to imagine that there’s any other way to live. But, while it’s true that stress is a part of life, it doesn’t need to be your whole life. You don’t need to keep waiting to feel happy and fulfilled. You can develop effective coping skills for managing overwhelm, feeling present and enjoying daily life, with all its challenges and uncertainties.
I feel guilty about taking time for myself.
Many, many women find it difficult to imagine putting themselves first. While we’re raised to be nurturers, we too often neglect to nurture ourselves. But, you deserve wellbeing and care, just as much as your friends, family members and loved ones do. In fact, taking care of yourself is actually an essential part of taking care of others. By overcoming guilt and modeling self-care, you can demonstrate to those in your life that they are worthy of respect, patience and empathy as well. Self-compassion isn’t selfish.
You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
If you are wondering if women’s counseling is right for you, or if you have questions, you may reach me directly at 615-828-6973. Or, you may schedule here online. I am located in Hendersonville, TN, and I look forward to hearing from you!