Baby Steps

When trying to make changes to your lifestyle, emotional patterns, parenting, or relationships, it can be overwhelming to try to change old patterns all at once.  It could leave you discouraged or overwhelmed, tempting you to just give up.

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An Attitude of Gratitude

It takes conscious effort to focus on the positives, to be grateful for our experiences when life can be such a struggle at times.  But I believe that it can be helpful to restore our sense of balance, peace, and give us strength to deal with our circumstances.  

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Rear view Mirror

I believe there is a way to fully face our past with honesty and courage, learn what we need to from our experiences, and then let go. Thomas Hardy, an English poet states it well: "If way to the better there be, it exacts a full look at the worst."

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Letting Go

Sometimes, it is just "comfortable" to hold on to what we know or are used to, and the thought of a new way of thinking, feeling, and acting seems to be scary "foreign territory." But like that cup, what we are holding on to may no longer be useful and healthy. Change takes courage. 

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