Is Therapy For Me?
“I just can’t see going to therapy- I know other people struggle, so why am I any different?”
“I’m not in a major crisis or anything, I just feel sad and disconnected.”
“I have so much to be thankful for, what is wrong with me that I feel so empty?”
“I feel totally overwhelmed at times, but life is busy for everybody these days!”
Have you had similar thoughts, and wonder if therapy can help? Have you thought about reaching out to gain support, but then dismissed your own feelings as being “whiny” or weak?
If you are unsure therapy could be helpful, consider if the following pertains to you:
Although you can’t identify why, you feel lost, trapped, or stuck. Therapy may be helpful in exploring the obstacles blocking you from enjoying a meaningful life.
You are in a relationship that feels draining, controlling, or in which your concerns are routinely dismissed as unimportant. Therapy may be a place to explore the negative cycle and make positive changes to “step out of the dance” you both have been stuck in. Alternatively, it may help you discern if the relationship is beyond repair and help you walk through the demise with support.
You may be interested in increasing self-understanding and personal growth. Although you may not have “major problems” you simply want to identify areas in which you can make positive changes. By working with a therapist, you may be able to clarify values and identify steps to incorporate what is most important to you in daily life.
Stress or anxiety is making it difficult to concentrate or perform at the level you know you are capable of. Feeling distracted, “scattered”, or “off balance”, changes in appetite or sleep, changes in performance at work or home may be signs you could benefit from talking with a professional.
Saying “yes” when you want to say “no” to additional responsibilities, favors for friends and family, or other activities to the extent you feel exhausted and resentful may be signals that “people pleasing” or boundaries are causing life to be more difficult for you. Exploring the concept of healthy boundaries, inappropriate guilt, or codependency may be helpful to work through with a therapist.
Going through a transition in life such as getting married, having a baby, ending a long-time relationship, empty nest, or a move to a new area can be difficult to adjust to. Even good changes such as the birth of a child or getting married can leave you feeling unprepared or overwhelmed. If you find yourself struggling to adapt, working with a therapist can broaden your coping skills.
There are many other situations in which people find it helpful to attend therapy sessions. Traumatic events, depression, anxiety and relationship problems are some of the concerns that bring many people in. If you are not sure whether therapy can be helpful to you, call for a brief consultation during which you can ask questions as well as share your goals. That first step may guide you to deeper understanding of self, improve coping skills, and could be an opportunity to resolve old issues that continue to resurface, allowing you more peace and satisfaction in life.